Slovakia increases fines for truckers

Handling and using a phone and similar devices without a hands-free headset while driving will soon be considered a serious traffic violation in Slovakia. The fines for road pirates will also be increased. These are just some of the provisions from the amendments to the Slovak traffic law.

On August 1, an amendment to the Law No. 8/2009 on traffic comes into force in Slovakia, which, among other things, lowers the minimum age for obtaining a truck driver’s license. The new legislation introduces stricter penalties for using a phone and other mobile devices while driving.

The upper limits of fines will be increased from 100 to 150 euros, and in ordinary administrative cases from 200 to 300 euros. At the same time, it will be possible to impose a driving ban for this offense if it is repeated three times within 12 months.

Tougher penalties for speeding

Tougher penalties await drivers who repeatedly exceed the speed limit by 50 km/h or more in populated areas and by 60 km/h or more outside populated areas. Such a violation would also be classified as a serious traffic violation.

Similar to using a phone while driving, three such violations within 12 months will result in the loss of a driver’s license and the need to complete a course and pass a new test to obtain a driver’s license. The size of the fine for speeding will not change – in August the fine will still be from 250 to 800 euros, and in administrative proceedings – from 500 to 1,000 euros.

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