Logistics is one of the important areas in the modern economy. Achieving a leading position, and simply solving a lot of problems, is impossible without advantages over competitive firms. Next, consider modern technologies in transport logistics.

Digital twins

This technology makes it possible to simulate various situations that occur in production. Thus, the digital twin offers the most effective options for organizing technological events, which makes it possible to prevent undesirable consequences and improve results. For the field of the same road freight transportation, the benefit comes down to collecting information about the product or packaging, as well as the ability to detect potential problems based on the data obtained.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Popular innovations in logistics are AI solutions that help explore existing paths, detect bottlenecks, and focus on an efficient path. This approach reduces both the time and the overall cost of warehousing and delivery. AI-based information processing tools help to reflect issues related to the transportation of goods online and correctly estimate the time of transportation.


One of the promising areas of application of the blockchain methodology in cargo transportation is to ensure the accuracy and honesty of records that reflect the performance, service history and other indicators of machines in the future. Since the entire exchange of information is recorded in blocks, this data cannot be deleted or changed, thus guaranteeing complete transparency of all actions.

Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT allows you to optimize the operation of the fleet and contributes to increased safety. IoT solutions significantly help in controlling drivers, reduce fuel consumption, track driving. The system informs customers about the status of the delivered cargo.

Robotic Process Automation

RPA will be effective for the workforce, especially for the current generation of technologically advanced professionals. They will be able to perform more important processes, cutting back on the amount of work involved and the training required. The result: greater team satisfaction and higher retention rates in organizations. RPA can improve other areas, including shipment planning, inventory control, customer visibility, and billing.

Drones – replacing couriers

Today, drones are actively replacing people in industry, and in the future they can leave couriers out of work. In the UAE, this process has already begun. It is expected that in the next 5-8 years such processes will be implemented in the US and Europe. Air transportation, independence from traffic jams, large payloads, automation and fairly low depreciation costs will make drones a popular way to deliver goods.

Prototypes of the first heavy drones are already appearing, which will move large goods across the sky over considerable distances.

Augmented reality

This reality is applied both in the warehouse and in the transport sector. In warehouses, using AR, it is easier to find the required storage unit, and it gives the logistics operator the opportunity to navigate faster.

Most likely, in the future, employees of most logistics enterprises will have special augmented reality devices that allow them to have information about cargo (weight, content, transportation conditions), transportation routes, transport, etc. This reduces labor and financial costs for the implementation of logistics processes, increases processing speed, shortens the delivery time to the final destination.

Tests were carried out, the results of which showed that logistics activities and the selection of the required goods in warehouses are much faster. It can be noted that over time, AR improves many processes in logistics, speeding up and facilitating them. Augmented reality will also reduce the time costs of logistics operators and fulfillment enterprises by increasing the reliability of each individual employee by creating a convenient AR environment for them.

Geolocation and tracking of goods condition

Distribution receives tracking. Such systems have long been used by Amazon and Aliexpress. But at the moment, most of these systems are characterized by inaccurate work.

In addition to location tracking, state control tracking will be developed. For example, temperature, moisture, the presence of mechanical damage to the packaging, etc. This is important for cargo transportation that requires special transportation conditions (plants, pets, expensive wines, food, fragile items, etc.).

This technique is especially convenient for use with a transport expedition.

This is not all innovations in transport logistics.

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